Rapid-Q Documentation by William Yu (c)1999 | Chapter 10 |
TYPE QDiamondBox EXTENDS QCanvas END TYPEWow, that was easy. The above code is perfectly valid, although it doesn't do anything useful. What that did was create a new object called QDiamondBox which inherited all the properties, methods, and events of QCanvas. So we can now DIM it and assign values to it:
DIM DBox AS QDiamondBox DBox.Top = 10Okay, that's not very useful. Sometimes we would like to add properties to our existing component, and in our above example, we probably need a Caption property, and maybe a Checked property (since we're going to implement a checkbox type component). Adding properties is nothing new:
TYPE QDiamondBox EXTENDS QCanvas Caption AS STRING Checked AS INTEGER END TYPEAs you can see, it looks like any UDT (user defined types) that most BASIC programmers are familiar with. So now we've added 2 additional properties to our new component, we'd access them like we would any property. Okay, but what if you want the values to be initialized to something when it gets created? Not a problem, you don't need a constructor procedure like in C++, you just embed this information like so:
TYPE QDiamondBox EXTENDS QCanvas Caption AS STRING Checked AS INTEGER CONSTRUCTOR Caption = "DiamondBox" Checked = 0 END CONSTRUCTOR END TYPEAfter each DIM (that is, when you create the object), the default values are initialized. Rapid-Q does not require DESTRUCTORs though, as everything is automatically cleaned up for you when your program terminates. If you're not convinced this worked, test it out:
DIM DBox AS QDiamondBox ShowMessage(DBox.Caption)If it doesn't return 'DiamondBox' then something is wrong, check your spelling, and turn $TYPECHECK ON.
TYPE QDiamondBox EXTENDS QCanvas Left AS STRING Top AS BYTE SUB Pset PRINT Super.Left END SUB END TYPEIn the above example, we've overriding 2 properties of QCanvas, and 1 method. As you'll see, QDiamondBox has a property named Left which overrides the Left property of QCanvas. To use the Left property of the super class, we just use the provided invocation Super.Left instead of QDiamondBox.Left. Overriding methods and properties have many useful purposes. Consider a filter listbox. You can override the AddItems method, and create one yourself, but filtering out certain keywords you don't want included. It's also useful when you're porting your Windows code to Linux and vice versa. This way, you can have your own "standard" component for both versions. In any event, we won't cover this topic any further. Let's now move on to creating new methods for our components:
TYPE QDiamondBox EXTENDS QCanvas Caption AS STRING Checked AS INTEGER FUNCTION TextSize AS INTEGER Result = LEN(QDiamondBox.Caption) 'QDiamondBox.TextSize = LEN(QDiamondBox.Caption) END FUNCTION END TYPEThe above example is a good place to start. We've just defined a new method for our QDiamondBox component. As you've noticed, we have to embed our FUNCTIONs or SUBs in our TYPE declaration. This is called INLINE code, you should be familiar with this if you've used C++ or any other OOP language. Rapid-Q requires INLINE code, you cannot define your SUB and then have the SUB sitting outside our TYPE definition. Okay, the only thing that stands out is QDiamondBox.Caption, which does what exactly? Well, you're probably wondering why we couldn't just say
Result = LEN(Caption)Well, this doesn't help, since in our FUNCTION, we could have easily added
DIM Caption AS INTEGERThen Rapid-Q would be confused... Which one should I use, the local Caption variable, or the new property one? To ease the pain, when you want to use a property, or method you must also reference them as you would normally. Our object in this case is QDiamondBox (you can also use the reserved word this), and we want to reference the property Caption. Since the above method is pretty much useless in our component, we'll just drop it from our design. What we really need is a method to draw our component, so here we go:
SUB DrawComponent IF QDiamondBox.Checked THEN QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height/2,0,0,QDiamondBox.Height/2,0) QDiamondBox.Line(0,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height,0) QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height/2,0,QDiamondBox.Height,QDiamondBox.Height/2,0) QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height,0) QDiamondBox.Paint(QDiamondBox.Height/2, QDiamondBox.Height/2, QDiamondBox.HiLightColor, 0) QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height/2,0,QDiamondBox.Height,QDiamondBox.Height/2,&HFFFFFF) QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height,&HFFFFFF) ELSE QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height/2,0,0,QDiamondBox.Height/2,0) QDiamondBox.Line(0,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height,0) QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height/2,0,QDiamondBox.Height,QDiamondBox.Height/2,0) QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height,0) QDiamondBox.Paint(QDiamondBox.Height/2, QDiamondBox.Height/2, &HBBBBBB, 0) QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height/2,0,0,QDiamondBox.Height/2,&HFFFFFF) QDiamondBox.Line(0,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height,&HFFFFFF) END IF QDiamondBox.TextOut(QDiamondBox.Height + 5, QDiamondBox.Height/2-QDiamondBox.Height/4, QDiamondBox.Caption, 0, -1) END SUBIt may look nasty, but further investigation proves it's just long lines that appear cryptic. What the above code will do is draw a diamond and properly size your component so that it looks nice whenever you resize your component. This is very important, since you don't want your component to look like a miniature when your user specified Height = 100, Width = 100, etc... Just insert the above code inside our TYPE declaration. We also need to define another property HiLightColor. Whenever our check box is checked, we probably want our component to change color to notify the user that the box has been checked.
TYPE QDiamondBox EXTENDS QCanvas 'Properties here 'Our DrawComponent Method here EVENT OnClick IF QDiamondBox.Checked THEN QDiamondBox.Checked = 0 ELSE QDiamondBox.Checked = 1 END IF QDiamondBox.DrawComponent END EVENT EVENT OnPaint QDiamondBox.DrawComponent END EVENT END TYPEFairly straightforward, we've already covered why you'd reference DrawComponent like so, but the EVENT identifier is new. All that says is we're creating an EVENT handler for our component. Write your code like you would normally. Whenever we create (DIM) our new component, the events are automatically registered for us. They are called whenever that event happens. Fair enough, but what if I need to write a new event handler? In our QDiamondBox example, we're definitely going to need to redefine OnClick, since we want to know whether the user has checked or unchecked the DiamondBox. This is probably where it gets naughty. Since we don't actually want to discard our previous declaration of OnClick, we'll have to inherit it.
DIM DBox AS QDiamondBox SUB NewDBoxOnClick DBox.InheritOnClick ' do you stuff here END SUB DBox.OnClick = NewDBoxOnClickAs you can see, if we wanted to inherit the OnClick event, we reference it by using QObject.Inherit<EventName> Where EventName is the event we want inherited. It's actually possible to Inherit OnPaint in our above example, but that would serve no purpose. If the Inherited event is not found (ie. there was no previous declaration of it), you will get a compiler ERROR message.
TYPE QGenericForm AS QForm Panel AS QPanel END TYPE DIM GF AS QGenericForm GF.Panel.Left = 123Notice how we reference an object within an object. First period is to reference our Panel object, and the second period is to reference the Panel's properties or methods. If you wanted your panel to have some default values, you use the CONSTRUCTOR method as before:
TYPE QGenericForm AS QForm Panel AS QPanel CONSTRUCTOR Panel.Parent = QGenericForm Panel.Width = QGenericForm.ClientWidth Panel.Height = QGenericForm.ClientHeight END CONSTRUCTOR END TYPEYou'll probably notice that even though we've somewhat implied that the Panel will be a part of the form, we still need to assign its Parent property, or else the panel won't show up. Simple enough, but how about defining its EVENTs? Okay, no problem:
TYPE QGenericForm AS QForm Panel AS QPanel EVENT Panel.OnClick ShowMessage("User clicked on panel") END EVENT EVENT OnClick ShowMessage("User clicked on form") END EVENT END TYPENotice the extra reference (period). If you ignored that, the OnClick EVENT will be attached to your QGenericForm instead. As before, to inherit EVENTs, you'll have to do something like:
GF.Panel.OnClick = GF.Panel.InheritOnClickMost of the time, you never really want to access the components within a component directly. For example, you can create your own custom form, with close buttons, resize buttons etc... none of which you want to rewrite event handlers for.
TYPE QIniFile EXTENDS QObject Size AS INTEGER FileName AS STRING SUB SaveINI END SUB SUB LoadINI END SUB END TYPEThis kind of object acts like QSocket. ie. It's not a visible component, it's mainly an interface type object. Objects provide a cleaner interface, and is more elegant (well, I don't really care myself). In conclusion, this is basically all you need to know about adding your own components to Rapid-Q, it's fairly easy to grasp.
TYPE QText EXTENDS QObject PUBLIC: I AS INTEGER X AS INTEGER PRIVATE: Y AS INTEGER PUBLIC: SUB Test QText.X = QText.Y + 1 END SUB END TYPEProperties I and X are PUBLIC, meaning they can be used outside their scope (ie. outside TYPE). Same with method Test. However, property Y is PRIVATE, so you can not use the property Y outside its scope. Since SUB Test is still inside the scope of Y (ie. inside TYPE), you can use it there. You can define PROTECTED properties and methods, but they act exactly like PUBLIC properties and methods, since (as of this writing) you can't extend a type of your own. For those who don't have any OOP background, the reason you have PUBLIC and PRIVATE members is mainly for your end-user's sake. Obviously you'll know what members shouldn't be used outside its scope, but by defining PRIVATE members you tell your end-users not to touch these in your program since they are used "internally."
TYPE NewClass<DataType> EXTENDS QOBJECT N AS DataType END TYPEDirectly after declaring the new type, you can define the template <parameters>. In the above example, our only parameter is DataType, but you are allowed infinitely many parameters. Unlike C++ though, you don't specify the type of parameter, just the name. Now when you DIM this new type, you have to pass it that one extra template parameter:
DIM MyClass1 AS NewClass<INTEGER> DIM MyClass2 AS NewClass<STRING>Notice now how this works, the property N of MyClass1 is bound to an INTEGER data type, while MyClass2 has an N property which is bound to a STRING data type. Here are some other examples:
TYPE Arrays<DataType, Size> EXTENDS QOBJECT Item(Size) AS DataType SUB Clear DIM N AS DataType DIM I AS LONG DIM V AS VARIANT WITH Arrays V = .Item(0) IF VARTYPE(V) = 2 THEN '-- String data type FOR I = 0 TO Size .Item(I) = "" NEXT ELSE '-- Integer/Float FOR I = 0 TO Size .Item(I) = 0 NEXT END IF END WITH END SUB END TYPE DIM IntArray AS ARRAYS<INTEGER, 100> DIM StrArray AS ARRAYS<STRING, 50> IntArray.Clear IntArray.Item(1) = 99 StrArray.Clear StrArray.Item(1) = "Hello world" PRINT IntArray.Item(1) PRINT StrArray.Item(1)The use of templates can help reduce the amount of code by reusing the same TYPE for our INTEGER and STRING arrays. Now that we've covered templates, let's move on now to property sets. A property set is just a collection of properties, with one major difference, you can do special processing when a user sets the property. We will start with a somewhat useless example
TYPE TForm EXTENDS QFORM Focus AS LONG PROPERTY SET Set_Focus PROPERTY SET Set_Focus (Handle AS LONG) WITH TForm .Focus = Handle IF .Focus THEN SetFocus(Handle) END IF END WITH END PROPERTY END TYPE CREATE Form AS TForm CREATE Edit AS QEDIT END CREATE Focus = Edit.Handle END CREATENevermind the function SetFocus, it's just an API call. In the above example, Focus is a property set, whenever you assign a value to this property, it automatically calls the routine Set_Focus as outlined in the SET parameter with the parameter being the value being assigned to it. Of course, you may be wondering why you'd even need this since it's equivalent to doing this:
TYPE TForm EXTENDS QFORM SUB Focus (Handle AS LONG) IF Handle THEN SetFocus(Handle) END IF END SUB END TYPE CREATE Form AS TForm CREATE Edit AS QEDIT END CREATE Focus(Edit.Handle) END CREATEAs you may notice in this example, since Focus is a SUB, you can't retrieve the value (like in our previous example). In this case, you'd have to use another name such as GetFocus to check which handle has the focus. In the previous example, we can read and write the property and perform special processing when the property is assigned, which is what we wanted. Take for example, how the BorderStyle of QFORM is changed, when we assign a new value to BorderStyle, this initiates a sequence of events, but since BorderStyle is a property set, we don't need to define a SUB to set the style and a FUNCTION to retrieve the value.
TYPE TForm EXTENDS QFORM GetStyle AS LONG SUB BorderStyle (Style AS LONG) TForm.GetStyle = Style SendMessage(TForm.Handle, etc...) END SUB END TYPE CREATE Form AS TFORM BorderStyle(bsNone) Caption = STR$(Form.GetStyle) END CREATEThat's a real waste as you can see, so you'd probably use property sets in that case. Obviously you won't need property sets if you don't require any special processing when assigning a value to a property. If you do decide to use property sets, there are some rules to follow: 1. Property and parameter should be of the same type; 2. Only simple types and QObjects are allowed to be property sets, so this excludes arrays and UDTs. The compiler will warn you if you violate these rules, but sometimes the error messages aren't so clear.
'-- Define, but don't implement, a template function DECLARE SUB ServerReady_EventTemplate (Socket AS LONG) TYPE TSocket EXTENDS QSOCKET OnServerReady AS EVENT(ServerReady_EventTemplate) Timer1 AS QTIMER Sock AS LONG EVENT Timer1.OnTimer WITH TSocket IF .IsServerReady(.Sock) AND .OnServerReady > 0 THEN '-- OnServerReady > 0 is to check whether pointer is null '-- ie. is there really an event handler assigned '-- If assigned, then trigger the event CALLFUNC(.OnServerReady, .Sock) END IF END WITH END EVENT CONSTRUCTOR OnServerReady = 0 Timer1.Enabled = 1 Timer1.Interval = 500 END CONSTRUCTOR END TYPE SUB ServerReady (Sock AS LONG) PRINT Sock;" is ready." END SUB CREATE Socket AS QSOCKET OnServerReady = ServerReady END CREATEIt might be a good idea to go through the next chapter on Function Pointers, since this is basically how custom events work. OnServerReady is really a function pointer, which points to a SUB (if assigned, if not, it is equivalent to 0). A declaration of the template SUB is required, this is to provide CALLFUNC with the necessary parameter types, if any. It may seem a bit confusing at first, since it takes some time getting used to the syntax and the idea of triggering an event. However, creating custom events has many benefits and uses, so learning how to create your own events could greatly simplify the use of your component or even extend the functionality of others (such as the above example).
$APPTYPE GUI $TYPECHECK ON TYPE QDiamondBox EXTENDS QCanvas '' You can extend any QObject '-- New Properties, you can also add components Caption AS STRING Checked AS INTEGER HiLightColor AS INTEGER '-- There are no protected methods, but you should let the user know anyway. '-- PROTECTED (meaning you shouldn't directly call it in your program). SUB DrawComponent IF QDiamondBox.Checked THEN QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height/2,0,0,QDiamondBox.Height/2,0) QDiamondBox.Line(0,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height,0) QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height/2,0,QDiamondBox.Height,QDiamondBox.Height/2,0) QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height,0) QDiamondBox.Paint(QDiamondBox.Height/2, QDiamondBox.Height/2, QDiamondBox.HiLightColor, 0) QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height/2,0,QDiamondBox.Height,QDiamondBox.Height/2,&HFFFFFF) QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height,&HFFFFFF) ELSE QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height/2,0,0,QDiamondBox.Height/2,0) QDiamondBox.Line(0,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height,0) QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height/2,0,QDiamondBox.Height,QDiamondBox.Height/2,0) QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height,0) QDiamondBox.Paint(QDiamondBox.Height/2, QDiamondBox.Height/2, &HBBBBBB, 0) QDiamondBox.Line(QDiamondBox.Height/2,0,0,QDiamondBox.Height/2,&HFFFFFF) QDiamondBox.Line(0,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height/2,QDiamondBox.Height,&HFFFFFF) END IF QDiamondBox.TextOut(QDiamondBox.Height + 5, QDiamondBox.Height/2-QDiamondBox.Height/4, QDiamondBox.Caption, 0, -1) END SUB '-- Inherited Events (sorry, can't create any new events) '-- The user can still override these events, but it's not a good idea. EVENT OnClick IF QDiamondBox.Checked THEN QDiamondBox.Checked = 0 ELSE QDiamondBox.Checked = 1 END IF QDiamondBox.DrawComponent END EVENT EVENT OnPaint QDiamondBox.DrawComponent END EVENT '-- Default values CONSTRUCTOR Height = 30 Width = 100 HiLightColor = &H00FF00 Caption = "DiamondBox" Checked = 0 END CONSTRUCTOR END TYPE '----- Test our new component DECLARE SUB DBox2Click DIM Font AS QFont Font.Name = "Arial" Font.Size = 10 CREATE Form AS QForm Center Height = 120 Caption = "Custom Check Boxes" CREATE DBox1 AS QDiamondBox Caption = "Diamond Box 1" Left = 100 Height = 20 END CREATE CREATE DBox2 AS QDiamondBox Caption = "Diamond Box 2" Top = 30 Left = 100 Height = 20 Width = 140 HiLightColor = &H0000FF Font = Font ShowHint = 1 ' True Hint = "Click me" OnClick = DBox2Click END CREATE CREATE DBox3 AS QDiamondBox Caption = "Diamond Box 3" Top = 60 Left = 100 Height = 20 END CREATE ShowModal END CREATE SUB DBox2Click DBox2.InheritOnClick '' Inherit event ShowMessage("Diamond Box 2 clicked") END SUB
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