Rapid-Q Documentation by William Yu (c)1999 QD3DMESHBUILDER


QD3DMeshBuilder implements IDirect3DRMMeshBuilder.

QD3DMeshBuilder Properties

QD3DMeshBuilder Methods
AddFaceSUB (Face AS QD3DFace)Add a face to mesh object1
AddVertexSUB (X#, Y#, Z#)Add a vertex3
CreateFaceSUB (Face AS QD3DFace)Creates a new face with no vertices1
CreateMeshSUB (Mesh AS QD3DMesh)Create mesh from meshbuilder1
DeleteFaceSUB (Face AS QD3DFace)Delete face from meshbuilder1
GetFaceSUB (Index AS LONG, Face AS QD3DFace)Get a single mesh face2
LoadSUB (S AS STRING)Load an object file (.x file)1
MoveSUB (D AS DOUBLE)Moves frame (rotate)1
ScaleSUB (X#,Y#,Z#)Scale object3
SetQualitySUB (Quality AS INTEGER)Set rendering quality1
SetRGBSUB (R#, G#, B#)Set object's color3
SetRGBASUB (R#, G#, B#, A#)Add color w/alphablending4
SetTextureSUB (Tex AS QD3DTexture)Add texture backdrop to object1
TranslateSUB (TX#, TY#, TZ#)Translate is a move operation but in 3D3

QD3DMeshBuilder Events
EventTypeOccurs when...Params

QD3DMeshBuilder Examples
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