Method | Type | Description | Params |
Circle | SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%, fill%) | Draw & Fill Circle | 6 |
CopyRect | SUB (D, Image, S) | D and S are QRECTs, Image can be a QImage, QCanvas, or QBitmap | 3 |
Draw | SUB (x%, y%, BMP) | Draw Bitmap at (X,Y) | 3 |
Fill | SUB (DevCol%) | Fill screen (not traditional colors) | 1 |
FillRect | SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%) | Draw & Fill a rectangle | 5 |
Flip | SUB | Copies off-screen buffer to visible page | 0 |
Init | SUB (Width%, Height%) | Create Screen | 2 |
Line | SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%) | Draws a line | 5 |
Paint | SUB (x%, y%, c%, borderc%) | Fill Region | 4 |
Pset | SUB (x%, y%, c%) | Pixel Plot | 3 |
Rectangle | SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, c%) | Draws a rectangle | 5 |
Release | SUB | Force update | 0 |
Rotate | SUB (xOrigin%, yOrigin%, Angle%) | Rotates entire screen at specified origin | 3 |
RoundRect | SUB (x1%, y1%, x2%, y2%, x3%, y3%, c%) | Draws & Fills a rounded rectangle | 7 |
StretchDraw | SUB (Rect AS QRECT, BMP) | Draw BMP and stretch to fit inside Rect | 2 |
TextHeight | FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD | Returns the height, in pixels, of Text$ string | 1 |
TextWidth | FUNCTION (Text$) AS WORD | Returns the width, in pixels, of Text$ string | 1 |
TextRect | SUB (Rect AS QRECT, x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%) | Write text, and clip within region Rect | 6 |
TextOut | SUB (x%, y%, S$, fc%, bc%) | Writes text | 5 |
Method | Type | Description | Params |
AddLight | SUB (Light AS QD3DLight) | Add light to scene | 1 |
CameraLookAt | SUB (F AS QD3DFrame, Constraint AS INTEGER) | Fix frame and constrain rotation | 2 |
CreateFace | SUB (Face AS QD3DFace) | Creates a face | 1 |
CreateFrame | SUB (Frame AS QD3DFrame) | Creates frame | 1 |
CreateLightRGB | SUB (LightType%, R#, G#, B#, Light AS QD3DLight) | Create light object | 5 |
CreateMeshBuilder | SUB (MB AS QD3DMeshBuilder) | Creates meshbuilder | 1 |
CreateShadow | SUB (MB AS QD3DMeshBuilder, Light AS QD3DLight, px#, py#, pz#, nx#, ny#, nz#, V AS QD3DVisual) | Creates a visual shadow object | 9 |
CreateWrap | SUB (WrapType%, A#, B#, C#, D#, E#, F#, G#, H#, I#, J#, K#, L#, M#, W AS QD3DWrap) | Creates a wrap object | 15 |
ForceUpdate | SUB (X1%, Y1%, X2%, Y2%) | Force update on specific region | 4 |
LoadTexture | SUB (File AS STRING, Tex AS QD3DTexture) | Create a texture object | 2 |
Move | SUB (D AS DOUBLE) | Moves/animates scene | 1 |
SetBackgroundImage | SUB (Tex AS QD3DTexture) | Set background image for scene | 1 |
SetCameraPosition | SUB (X#, Y#, Z#) | Set camera position for entire scene | 3 |
SetCameraOrientation | SUB (DX#, DY#, DZ#, UX#, UY#, UZ#) | Set camera orientation for scene | 6 |
SetRenderMode | SUB (M AS INTEGER) | Set render mode for scene | 1 |
SetTextureQuality | SUB (Quality AS INTEGER) | Set texture quality for scene | 1 |